Treat Encopresis as a Team

Encopresis: A Medical and Family Approach, an article recently written by Dr. Coehlo and published in Pediatric Nursing, has some excellent information for families struggling with encopresis.  According to the article, encopresis treatment works best when a “team” approach is used. The team should include the child, parents, teachers, and health professionals working together to develop a plan that is both feasible (able to be implemented) and supported by research.  The article also points out that even with the most effective treatments: 1) children with encopresis generally take up to six months to get fully better, and 2) relapses are common during times of change and transition. This is one of the reasons that ongoing support and monitoring are crucial.  The author stresses that positive outcomes take both dedication and time. As Dr. Coehlo poignantly notes, “children with encopresis need understanding, support, and encouragement to be successful at learning what to do to reach a milestone that many of us take for granted.”


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